Honorary Secretary:Ernest Bratt Tel: 07836 389664 Email: kbsbcsecretary@outlook.com
Please use this email address ONLY for matters relating to the Club's bowling activities. We do not respond to unsolicited sales emails.
Club house: 01865 821996
Chairman: Derek Rees Tel: 07794 244798
Honorary Secretary: Ernest Bratt : see above
Fixtures Secretary: Steve Bryan: Tel:01865 823159 Email: kbs.bc.fixtures@gmail.com
Club Captain: Tom Waring: Tel: 01865 821060 / Mob. 07940 517278
Ladies Captain/ Ridgeway League: Yvonne Longstaff Tel: Mob. 07906 243727
Mens Captain - KL: Tom Byrne Tel: 01865 391430 / Mob. 07980 865580
KLVA Captain: Robert Gardiner Tel: 01367 241646/ Mob. 07812 462578
KLVB Captain: TBA
Ashley Baker Captain/ Ladies Secretary: Sue Byrne Tel: 01865 391430/ Mob. 07967 664458
Short Mat Captain: Claire Farrar Tel: 07944 394141
Safeguarding Officers
Sue Byrne Tel: 01865 391430/ Mob. 07967 664458
Claire Farrar Tel: 07944 394141
Tom Waring Tel: 01865 821060/ Mob. 07940 517278